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Mommy Makeover Basics | What You Should Know

Mommy Makeover Basics | What You Should Know

March 1, 2018 No Comments Mommy Makeover
Mommy Makeover Basics | What You Should Know

Motherhood is an unparalleled experience. You love your child more than anything else in this world. But you might not love what pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding have done to your body. Rapid changes in weight and dramatic hormone fluctuations have taken their toll on your breasts, your belly, and your skin. And even if you’ve lost most of your pregnancy pounds, there are probably still stubborn pockets of fat that won’t go away no matter how much you diet or exercise. The good news is that if your childbearing days are behind you now, you can get back to your toned, tight, and taut pre-baby body – with a Mommy Makeover.

What’s a Mommy Makeover?

A Mommy Makeover is a term used to describe a combination of body contouring procedures that are performed at the same time. These procedures target problem areas specific to a mother’s needs, commonly including the breasts and abdomen, but customized to achieve each individual woman’s desired results. Some of the procedures that might take place during a Mommy Makeover are:

– Tummy Tuck

As your baby grew inside of you, so did your belly, leading to slackened muscles and stretched-out skin in your abdominal region. A tummy tuck tightens up those weakened muscles and removes the extra fat and skin to create flat, firm, and toned abs.

– Breast Augmentation

Hormones and milk production can significantly increase the size of your breasts. But when you’re done breastfeeding, they may become severely deflated and flattened out. A breast augmentation with breast implants can restore lost volume and give you the full, rounded profile you desire.

– Breast Lift

Often performed in conjunction with a breast augmentation, a breast lift solves the problem of sagging and drooping by removing excess skin and reviving the contours of the breast. If your areola has become enlarged due to pregnancy and breastfeeding, the size can be reduced during a breast lift.

– Liposuction

Sometimes, that weight you gained while you were pregnant just won’t come off, even with targeted toning exercises and a modified diet. Liposuction can get rid of the extra weight you’re carrying in your back, hips, thighs, or any other area you’d like to trim down. While these are the most commonly requested procedures in a Mommy Makeover, you may want to explore the idea of a butt lift, breast reduction, or vaginal rejuvenation as well.

The right time for a Mommy Makeover

It’s important to consider your long-term life plans before scheduling a Mommy Makeover. If you plan to have more children, it’s best to wait; a new pregnancy will likely undo the results of these procedures. Additionally, to give your breasts time to settle into their true size and shape, you’ll need to stop breastfeeding at least three months prior to undergoing the surgery. Finally, you should already be in close range to your ideal body weight. A Mommy Makeover isn’t meant to be a substitute for a balanced diet and a regular exercise plan, and a healthy body will recover quickly and enjoy superior results.

Mommy Makeover cost & financing

The cost of your Mommy Makeover will depend on the number and type of procedures you receive. In addition to paying for the surgery and operating facilities, you’ll also have to factor in costs for lab work, implants, anesthesia, prescription medications, and post-surgical garments. While the costs can add up, there are a number of financing options, including credit cards and medical loans, available to help you achieve the body you deserve on a payment plan you can manage.

Get a Mommy Makeover at San Diego Body Contouring

You’ve done a lot for your children. Isn’t it time to do something for yourself? At San Diego Body Contouring, we can help you get your pre-baby body back in shape for summer. Check out our online gallery of Mommy Makeover before and after photos to see the amazing results we’ve delivered to our satisfied patients. Then call us at (619) 697-1325 and ask about our Mommy Makeover specials. With a little help from San Diego Body Contouring, you can be the hottest mom on the beach this summer.


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