Medical Procedure Disclaimer | San Diego Body Contouring

1 (619) 697-1325


Results may vary depending on patient and commitment to treatment and medical procedure performed.  Before and after surgery results are examples of patients only, and do not constitute an implied or any other kind of guarantee of the result of surgery or a non-surgical procedure. All surgical and non-surgical results are subject to the individualities of the patient and the normal variability of clinical procedure results. All surgery and non-surgery procedures carry potential risks and complications which are described in detail in our surgical consents forms. These include, but are not limited to, bleeding, infection, implant rejection or poor position, poor scar, asymmetry, dissatisfaction with the cosmetic result and the expense of further corrective surgery or treatment to manage a complication (patient forms). If you have any questions regarding these potential risks and complications please discuss them with Dr. Sarosy prior to surgery.

It is our policy to send a letter to your General Practitioner if you consent for our office to do so. Many patients are self referred or referred by a friend or patient and specifically do not wish to have their medical information disseminated. It is the responsibility of the patient to inform Dr. Sarosy if you have any medical conditions which require prior medical clearance before anesthesia, surgery or a non-surgical procedure. We will routinely order blood tests and other screening procedures before surgery, as a matter of course.

All patients have given their consent for their images to be displayed on our web site.



San Diego Body Contouring | Plastic Surgery


San Diego Body Contouring | Plastic Surgery


San Diego Body Contouring | Plastic Surgery


San Diego Body Contouring | Plastic Surgery