1 (619) 697-1325

Kybella Chin Fat Removal

Kybella in San Diego: The Premier Choice for Chin Fat Removal

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Kybella, the pioneering FDA-approved injectable designed exclusively for removing chin fat, is a flagship San Diego Body Contouring treatment. Our dedication to offering the forefront in aesthetic enhancements is unwavering. Kybella introduces an innovative, non-surgical method for reducing double chins, an achievement once only possible through liposuction. Witness the transformation as chin fat vanishes with a series of Kybella injections. Contact us to arrange your appointment and discover a more contoured profile.

Understanding Kybella

The power of Kybella lies in its active component, deoxycholic acid, which excels in breaking down persistent fat cells under the chin. With Dr. Sarosy’s skilled administration, targeted injections ensure the effective dissolution of fat cells, which are then naturally expelled by the body. This treatment, rigorously tested by the FDA and supported by 19 clinical studies with over 2600 participants, underscores our commitment to your well-being and satisfaction. Contact us to find out if Kybella is your pathway to a refined silhouette.

Does the Kybella Chin Fat Reduction Treatment Hurt?

The Kybella procedure at San Diego Body Contouring is quick, lasting only 5-10 minutes, and is meticulously designed to minimize discomfort. Precise injections are carefully placed to target fat deposits beneath the chin, with the majority of patients experiencing little more than a slight pressure and minimal discomfort. Any swelling or bruising post-treatment is generally mild and should not interfere with your daily routine, enabling most individuals to resume work immediately. Allow us to assist you in achieving your aesthetic aspirations with the least possible downtime.



San Diego Body Contouring | Plastic Surgery


San Diego Body Contouring | Plastic Surgery


San Diego Body Contouring | Plastic Surgery


San Diego Body Contouring | Plastic Surgery