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Caring for Your Breast Implants

Caring for Your Breast Implants

August 25, 2015 No Comments Breast Augmentation
Caring for Your Breast Implants

We’d love to tell you that once you have received breast implants, you get to ride off into the sunset with no maintenance necessary. But that’s not true. You’ll need to tend to your beautiful new breasts on a consistent basis to keep both them and yourself healthy. It won’t require a ton of effort, but consistency is key.

Of course, you’ll encounter the most rules immediately following your breast implant procedure. Gradually, the Don’ts will drop off one at a time during the first six weeks, and your maintenance routine will be whittled down to a few basic Dos.

In the early days and weeks of your breast augmentation recovery, you and your implants will be most fragile. Dr. Sarosy will give you instructions regarding the specifics of your recovery, but the following Dos and Don’ts will give you an idea of what to expect:


  • Don’t do any vigorous, physical exercise that will make your breasts bounce (and potentially open your wounds or dislodge your implants) for at least six weeks.
  • Don’t sleep on your back for six weeks.
  • Don’t stop wearing your surgical bra and compression bands until you get the OK from Dr. Sarosy.
  • Don’t wear an underwire or push-up bra until you get the OK from Dr. Sarosy.


Do massage your implants (as instructed by Dr. Sarosy). This will keep the soft tissue “pocket” open and prevent the capsule shrinkage that could squeeze and harden your breast implants. A consistent five to ten minutes each time should be enough to keep your implants moving naturally like your own breast tissue.

Do wear good sports bras during high impact aerobic exercise or while doing activities such as horseback riding or hiking. It’s important to remember to keep your breast implants supported – the same way you would natural breasts.

Do schedule an MRI three years after your silicone breast implant procedure and follow up every two years. Ruptures in silicone breast implants are much less noticeable than in saline implants. For this reason, it’s important to schedule occasional MRIs to make sure everything is in good order.

Do schedule regular visits with Dr. Sarosy so he can make sure your breast implants are in good shape. Occasionally, aging, hormones, or weight fluctuations can affect your breast implants. These visits to Dr. Sarosy are an essential part of your maintenance routine.

Do remember that you may need to replace or reposition your breast implants once or twice in your lifetime. If your body produces scar tissue around the implants, changing their shape or placement, Dr. Sarosy can remove the scar tissue and reposition the implants.

And finally…

Do take some time every single day to enjoy the way you feel with your perfect, beautiful new breasts.

At San Diego Body Contouring, we want to help you feel good. The instructions Dr. Sarosy provides for your post-breast augmentation procedure will help you maximize the benefits of this wonderful investment you’ve made in yourself.


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