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Best Post Pregnancy Workout Plan

Best Post Pregnancy Workout Plan

March 3, 2018 No Comments Mommy Makeover , Uncategorized
Best Post Pregnancy Workout Plan

If you’re a new mom, you know that finding the time to exercise can feel impossible. You’re often exhausted and overwhelmed. Between breastfeeding, changing diapers, and scheduling naps, it’s hard to get out and go to the gym. Sometimes, it might feel like you’ll never be able to get your pre-baby body back. But with a little flexibility and a lot of creativity, you can fit a regular workout routine into your overcrowded new mommy schedule. Here are some tips on how to introduce physical fitness into your postpartum life.

Get the okay from your doctor

Before embarking on any sort of post pregnancy workout plan, it’s important to clear it with your doctor. For uncomplicated vaginal deliveries, most women can resume light exercise several days after giving birth, but for those who’ve had cesarean sections, you’ll need to wait at least six weeks. Regardless of your birth experience, it’s important to listen to your body. And don’t aim for significant weight loss right away – especially if you’re breastfeeding.

Skip the gym and work out at home

Babies have a lot of needs that often require you to stay close to home. So instead of relegating your workout sessions to a gym, set up a space in your home where you can comfortably roll out a yoga mat or lay out some hand weights. Then, as soon as your baby goes down for a nap, you can get up and get moving.

Take advantage of technology

The Internet is brimming with free exercise routines designed specifically to help new moms with core strength and stability. Check out Pinterest for postpartum home workout plans, follow along with personal trainers on YouTube, or download a post pregnancy workout app with a logging feature to hold yourself accountable.

Team up with your baby

If you’re suffering from cabin fever, or your baby just isn’t a very good napper, there are plenty of exercises you can do with your snugglebug in tow. Many areas offer Mommy and Me yoga, Pilates, and water aerobics classes, as well as organized neighborhood stroller workouts. For an impromptu exercise session, strap your baby in a jogging stroller and go for a brisk run in the sun.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

You already know how important it is to stay hydrated, but it’s especially important to up your water intake when you’re establishing a post pregnancy workout plan while breastfeeding. Pay attention to your body, and make sure you drink water whenever you feel thirsty. Also, limit dehydrating diuretics, like coffee and soda.

Eat healthy

To get your figure back in shape, it’s not enough to just work out; you also need to eat a healthy diet. In most cases, breastfeeding moms should consume between 1800 and 2200 calories a day to maintain an adequate milk supply. But make sure your calories are coming from healthful choices, like fresh produce and lean meats, instead of from sugary, fat-laden foods.

Enhance your results with a Mommy Makeover

A post-baby workout plan and diet are crucial to restoring and maintaining your physical and emotional wellbeing. But there are some things that a healthy lifestyle can’t fix, like saggy abdominal skin, drooping and deflated breasts, or severe stretch marks. Fortunately, a Mommy Makeover can address all these cosmetic concerns and more.

The Mommy Makeover combines several popular and effective procedures – such as a tummy tuck, breast augmentation, and liposuction – to tighten and tone up all those problem areas at once. Combined with your new workout plan, a Mommy Makeover can help you look and feel your absolute best.

Get your pre-baby body back at San Diego Body Contouring

San Diego Body Contouring has helped countless women get their bodies back in shape after childbirth. We offer a caring, compassionate environment and over two decades of experience performing cosmetic procedures on satisfied patients. So when you’re finished having children, and you want to get your pre-baby body back, call us at (619) 697-1325 and schedule a free Mommy Makeover consultation.


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