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Why We Love SculpSure (And You Should, Too!)

Why We Love SculpSure (And You Should, Too!)

March 29, 2017 No Comments SculpSure
woman receiving SculpSure at San Diego Body Contouring

If you’re carrying extra weight around your middle, you know how frustrating it can be to find clothes that fit right. Your pants are too tight, your love handles spill over your waistband, and you don’t even want to see yourself in a bathing suit. The worst part is that you do everything right – you diet, you exercise – but nothing will get rid of that stubborn abdominal fat.

Are you ready for some good news? Here it is: You’re not doomed to hide behind billowy caftans and uncomfortable shapewear for the rest of your life. Now, you can get the sculpted waistline you’ve always desired with SculpSure. At San Diego Body Contouring, we love everything about this revolutionary fat-reducing treatment. And here are just a few reasons why.

It’s non-invasive.

SculpSure is a body contouring system designed to reduce fat in those problem areas around your midsection – but without the expense and inconvenience of invasive surgery. SculpSure works by sending targeted laser energy beneath the surface of your skin to permanently destroy your fat cells. There are no incisions, no tissue damage, and no bruising. The only evidence this treatment leaves behind is a trim figure.

It’s painless.

Unlike some other fat-reduction procedures on the market, SculpSure is virtually painless. Most patients report feeling alternate warming and cooling sensations as the laser cycles on and off, as well as a mild tingling feeling deep beneath their skin. After the treatment is complete, the affected area may feel tender, but SculpSure is unlikely to cause the redness and swelling typical of other body contouring solutions.

It’s fast.

Each treatment session lasts for a mere 25 minutes – and since there’s no downtime or recovery period, you can get it done on your lunch hour and step back into your daily routine right away. As for results, you may begin to see a noticeable difference in your midsection as early as six weeks after your treatment, with optimal results visible within twelve weeks. Most patients only require one session to achieve their desired outcome, but we will design a customized treatment plan to meet your individual needs and goals.

It’s effective.

On average, people experience a 24% reduction in fat volume after completing their SculpSure treatments. And because SculpSure destroys your fat cells permanently, they’ll never regenerate – meaning long-lasting fat loss in the place where you need it the most.

It gives you the boost you need.

We know how hard it can be to lose those last few pockets of fat, especially around your midsection. SculpSure was designed specifically to spot-treat those problem areas, so you no longer have to hide. Without a muffin top or a bulging belly, you can wear your clothes with confidence, and feel good about the way you look.

Get SculpSure at San Diego Body Contouring.

At San Diego Body Contouring, we’ve got over forty years of combined experience performing cosmetic procedures. We pride ourselves on meeting the needs of each of our patients through safe, effective treatments and state-of-the-art procedures. Call (800) NEW-FIGURE today for your free consultation, and take the first step toward trimming your waistline with SculpSure.


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San Diego Body Contouring | Plastic Surgery


San Diego Body Contouring | Plastic Surgery


San Diego Body Contouring | Plastic Surgery