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Warm Weather Ready: Laser Hair Removal Benefits

Warm Weather Ready: Laser Hair Removal Benefits

February 16, 2016 No Comments Laser Hair Removal
Smooth hairless legs

San Diego weather calls for bare skin. And many of us want our bare skin to be smooth and hair-free. But all that shaving, waxing, and tweezing gets tiresome, doesn’t it? Luckily for all you San Diego sun worshippers, at SD Body Contouring, we offer laser hair removal, an effective, precise, and permanent solution for getting rid of unwanted hair.

For those unfamiliar with the process, the idea of laser-anything might sound kind of scary, but it’s actually quite safe. Hair removal lasers have been in use since 1997. They are also approved for “permanent hair reduction” (defined as the long-term stable reduction of the number hairs growing after a treatment regime) by the USFDA.

Laser hair removal works by beaming a highly concentrated light into your hair follicles. The laser hones in on the pigment in the follicles and destroys the hair without damaging the surrounding skin.

The most common areas for women to receive laser hair removal:

  • Upper lip
  • Chin
  • Under arms
  • Bikini line
  • Legs
  • Arms

The most common areas for men to receive laser hair removal:

  • Back
  • Shoulders
  • Chest
  • Abdomen

Benefits of laser hair removal

Lasers work with precision to selectively target your dark, course hairs and leave your surrounding skin untouched. This means you get the smooth, hair-free skin you’re looking for but it won’t strip or cut your skin the way waxing and shaving can.

The FDA wouldn’t have approved lasers for hair removal if they weren’t effective. Multiple treatments are needed to get optimal and permanent hair removal because not all hair follicles are at the same stage of growth at the same time. Most patients have permanent hair loss after an average of 3 to 7 sessions.

Lasers can treat an area the size of a quarter every second. This means we can do your upper lip in under a minute! Larger areas such as your legs or your back may take up to an hour. Considering that in, say, 5 sessions of 45 minutes, we can permanently eliminate the need for shaving your legs, that’s a pretty great deal.

Reduction of ingrown hairs
Each laser treatment will reduce the hair that grows in a given area. The hair that does grow between sessions will be thinner and less coarse than the hair that grew there before. So every session leaves you with a significantly reduced likelihood of painful, unsightly ingrown hairs.

What to expect during your laser hair removal session

When you arrive for your appointment, we will help you get comfortable and treat the outer perimeter of your treatment area with a special cooling gel. Depending on the location of treatment, we may also provide you with special protective eyewear.

Once all the prep has been done and we have adjusted the laser to suit your hair- and skin-color, the technician will use the laser to provide light pulses to the treatment area. You may feel a slight pinching sensation or a feeling similar to that of a rubber band snapping against your skin.

When the procedure is over, we will provide you with ice packs or anti-inflammatory creams to ease any discomfort. For a day or two, your skin may look and feel like it’s sunburned, but moisturizers and icepacks will help.

It is important to wear sunscreen after your treatment to prevent any complications.

You may schedule your follow-up treatments for four to six weeks later.

Stop shaving and waxing for good!

At San Diego Body Contouring, we know how important it is to be warm weather ready at all times. When your friends are waiting for you to pack your beach bag, you don’t want to keep them waiting while you shave or stop off at the salon for a wax.

If you schedule your first appointment for laser hair removal now, you should have time to get a handful of treatments in before beach season hits.

What are you waiting for? Call us. Let’s get your bare skin smooth and hair-free now!


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