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Liposuction Works on These 10 Parts of Your Body

Liposuction Works on These 10 Parts of Your Body

February 13, 2017 No Comments Liposuction
San Diego Body Contouring | Plastic Surgery

A balanced diet and regular exercise are the hallmarks of a healthy weight loss regimen, but sometimes even substantial weight loss isn’t enough to give you the sculpted body of your dreams. That’s why liposuction is the second most common cosmetic procedure in the world. It removes those pesky fat deposits that no diet program can melt away. Liposuction can work wonders on these 10 parts of your body:

1. Abdomen

There are several different kinds of body fat, but the type that’s ..

Liposuction vs SculpSure: Get The Facts

June 16, 2016 No Comments Liposuction ,SculpSure
San Diego Body Contouring | Plastic Surgery

  These days, in the world of cosmetic procedures, we hear (and use) the words “non-invasive” and “non-surgical” so much that some people have gotten the impression that there’s no longer a need for surgical procedures. That’s just not true. Yes, many people benefit every day from the quick-fix procedures that promise great results with minimal downtime, but others get better (and often more drastic) results methods with surgical methods. At San Diego Body Contouring, f ..

Contour Your Body with Liposuction

May 11, 2016 No Comments Liposuction
San Diego Body Contouring | Plastic Surgery

This is going to be an epic summer. Your tenth high school reunion, your sister’s wedding, and the annual Vegas weekend with your girlfriends. Plus plenty of beach time, of course. You’ve booked your plane tickets and made hair appointments. Plans are shaping up. The problem is…you’re not. Your body hasn’t responded in the way you’d hoped it would to your exercise and diet regimen. Sure, you’ve lost inches, and you’re way more toned than you were at the end of 2015, but little ..


San Diego Body Contouring | Plastic Surgery


San Diego Body Contouring | Plastic Surgery


San Diego Body Contouring | Plastic Surgery


San Diego Body Contouring | Plastic Surgery