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Laser Tattoo Removal – Don’t Live With Regret!

Laser Tattoo Removal – Don’t Live With Regret!

December 28, 2015 No Comments Laser Tattoo Removal
Laser Tattoo Removal – Don’t Live With Regret!

Tattoos. If you have one you regret, you know the shame of hiding it and the embarrassment of answering questions about it.

But did you know you don’t have to live that way? Tattoo removal has come a long way since the days of painful dermabrasion, cryosurgery, and excision. Although those procedures are still used in certain cases, you don’t need to go that route.

At San Diego Body Contouring, we can safely, effectively, and painlessly remove your tattoo.

How tattoo removal works

Before we get to that, you have to understand how the tattoo itself works. Basically, pigment is inserted into the dermal layer of the skin through ruptures in the skin’s surface. Tattoos are meant to be permanent, so removing them is not a simple task.

Today, lasers are a standard method of tattoo removal. They effectively remove tattoos by using light pulses to break up the pigment in the skin’s dermal layer, where it was put in the first place. The laser’s energy causes the pigment to fragment into smaller particles that are removed by the body’s immune system.

What to expect during the tattoo removal procedure

At San Diego Body Contouring, your experience will be much more comfortable than a typical tattoo removal procedure. For one, Dr. Sarosy’s medical license enables him to use a topical anesthetic, so you’ll experience much less pain than if you went to a clinic where there is no doctor to oversee the procedure. And two, Dr. Sarosy’s state-of-the-art laser uses multiple wavelengths to get the job done. This is important because it allows us to remove even the most difficult colors of tattoo ink.

When you arrive for your procedure, we will apply the topical anesthetic and give you protective eye shields. We will also test your skin’s reaction to the laser and adjust the laser accordingly.

When you’re comfortable and ready to go, a nurse under the supervision of Dr. Sarosy will place the laser’s handpiece against the surface of your skin and activate the laser light. Patients without topical anesthetic describe the sensation as similar to that of grease spatter on the skin. But at SD Body Contouring, you may just experience some warmth and pressure.

In just one treatment, you should see your tattoo become significantly lighter. You may need as few as two visits to completely remove it, or as many as ten. There are many different factors that will determine the number of treatments you will need to completely remove your tattoo. These include the size of your tattoo, the depth of the pigment, and the ink colors used. We can give you a better idea during your consultation, though we won’t know for sure until we see the results of your first procedure.

Many patients ask why we can’t do it all at once. Our response to that is: You wouldn’t want us to. The procedure is not easy on your body, and it needs a chance to heal between visits. You also want to limit the amount of pigment that your immune system has to do away with at one time.

One thing we do know for sure is that when it’s all over and you see the beautiful expanse of tattoo free skin where your regret once sat, you’ll want to give us a big hug.

It’s time to free yourself from regret!

You don’t have to live with the shame and embarrassment of that old tattoo anymore. Call us at San Diego Body Contouring, and let’s schedule a consultation to get it removed.

Imagine the relief when you do!


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San Diego Body Contouring | Plastic Surgery


San Diego Body Contouring | Plastic Surgery