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Enjoy Quick Recovery Time with a Mini Facelift

Enjoy Quick Recovery Time with a Mini Facelift

August 28, 2017 No Comments Facelift
Quick Recovery Time with a Mini Facelift

Getting older is an unavoidable fact of life. Nevertheless, it’s natural to look in the mirror and feel unhappy with lines and wrinkles on your face and excess skin below your jawline. You don’t want to look 25 years old again; you just want to look how you feel on the inside. If you’ve considered getting a facelift to refresh your appearance but are concerned about the risk and recovery time associated with traditional surgery, you might be a perfect candidate for a mini facelift. Also called an “S” Lift, the this type of facelift has grown in popularity over the last decade as an alternative to the full facelift procedure – and for good reason. A mini facelift can produce a refreshed look with minimal risk of complications and a fraction of the recovery time associated with traditional surgery.

What is a mini facelift?

A mini facelift addresses wrinkles and sagging on the lower face and upper neck to restore definition to the chin. By making small “s” shaped incisions around each ear, we can remove excess fat and tighten the facial muscles without separating the skin from deeper tissues. After a quick recovery (usually less than seven days), you’ll enjoy a more youthful, refreshed appearance with long-lasting results that highlight your natural beauty.

What are the benefits of a mini facelift?

A mini facelift offers the same age-defying transformation to the cheeks, jawline, and neck as a traditional facelift without the excessive downtime.

A full facelift procedure requires a patient to go under general anesthesia and involves a lengthy two-week recovery period. A mini facelift, on the other hand, is performed as an outpatient procedure under local anesthesia. Best of all, the results are immediate, which means you get to enjoy your new, gorgeous look right away. The swelling associated with a traditional facelift often isn’t resolved for four to six months post-surgery. Why wait any longer than necessary to see your beautiful new look?

What can I expect from this procedure?

A mini facelift begins by making carefully placed incisions along the hairline and border of the ear. Once the incisions are made, the skin is gently lifted so the SMAS layer (the tissue beneath the skin that attaches to the facial muscles) and the platysma muscle can be repositioned and tightened in front of the ears. Permanent sutures secure the SMAS layer and platysma muscle to this lifted position for long-lasting results. Finally, the skin is re-draped across the face, excess tissue is trimmed, and the superficial layer of skin is closed with fine stitches.

Following a mini facelift, bandages will be applied to stabilize the changes and minimize the chance of bleeding. The stitches are removed within five to six days after a mini facelift, but patients who don’t mind wearing bandages in public can return to work and their normal routines even sooner. At SD Body Contouring, we perform mini facelift procedures and post-op checkups right in our office. There’s no need to visit or stay overnight in the hospital.

Achieve the youthful, refreshed look you desire

If you’re unhappy with sagging skin or excess fat along your jawline and would like to restore a refreshed, yet age-appropriate look, you may be a perfect candidate for a mini facelift. Compared to a traditional facelift, the mini facelift at SD Body Contouring offers a quick recovery time so you can get back to normal life with a boost in confidence – faster. Call us today to schedule your mini facelift consultation.


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San Diego Body Contouring | Plastic Surgery


San Diego Body Contouring | Plastic Surgery